Here are some more pics relating to some participatory art programs I did at Heritage Hill Museum and Heritage Garden, during my residency in late 2013, and as a flow on after the residency in early 2014.


A group of little girls helped put up the last of the paper Little Ones paste ups, an installation of late nineteenth century photographs of local children scattered throughout the historic gardens (see posts below for more images of the artwork). This installation was very popular with kids and I did several walks around the gardens with groups of kids during an event at the museum.


Sunlight on the Hill was a kids program exploring the gardens at Heritage Hill looking at how ideas about sunlight had influenced the design of the gardens and buildings on site, and we also made some cyanotypes using flowers from the garden.

Ceramic animal from the Heritage Hill Collection, City of Greater Dandenong

This school holiday activity for primary school children explore the historic home ‘Benga’ and the surrounding gardens, looking for traces of animals that have lived there. We examined the  Heritage Hill collection of ceramic animals and children and their parents made their your own paper clay animal to take home. A highlight was a series by a young boy, depicting his family in the form of ceramic owls.