I projected some old photographs from the Museums Victoria collection inside my house. Experimenting with my new mini-projector! The kettle pictured as a ghostly visitation on the stove…
During Term 2 and 3 2021 I was a history creative in residence, working with all the children at Chewton Primary School and Elphinstone Primary School, in Central…
As part of my Artist in Residence with Moreland City Council in 2020, I was asked to develop some window displays for Coburg Library for the festive season….
Another Night, digital story about the history of lighting Another Night, A short history of lighting, illustrated through Victoria’s cultural collections was my first story as a Guest…
I ran a series of public programs on a sessional basis at Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens, for the City of Greater Dandenong, in 2014. These images…
I have been taking lots of photographs at Heritage Hill during my residency. The photographs shown below are part of a series I have begun of museum objects and images…
This is from a series of artworks based on shadows in historic photographs. I started out drawing shadows, but later I printed out downloaded historic photos and painted…
Discovery, magic lantern slides is an artwork about the way that Australia was perceived by European explorers, and artists accompanying them. The format for the artwork was inspired…