Tag: Tiny artworks

Tiny picnic setting Coburg Lake

I amused myself by setting up an ephemeral miniature installation at Coburg Lake picnic area, for Picnic Day, the first day Melburnians were allowed to meet another household…

We are with you, Spanish Flu Spirits.

More tiny paste-ups, one of my artworks for The Moreland Memoirs suite of projects for my Artists Residence, connecting locals to the comforting presence of people from the…

Bookmarks for mothers who had babies during lockdown

I created  a series of bookmarks that were distributed through the Child and Maternal Health Service, as part of my Artists Residence for my local council,  Moreland City…

Short film, talking about my practice

A  short film about my Artist in Residence for Moreland City Council has been produced , part of the  Creative Neighbours film series featuring artists and creatives in…

Micro-history delivered, see the video!

Signed, folded, delivered – over 300 copies of my tiny booklet have been hand delivered and a video is online. Locals living around Coburg Lake, in the area…

Miniature zine non-fiction poetry

I have been commissioned by the UNESCO Melbourne City of Literature Office to create a micro-history  of Coburg Lake Reserve. This image is a sample of what the…

The ladies appear

Installed more than 150 paste ups of my little ladies  in current and former maternal health centres in the City of Yarra – historic photos of early maternal…

Centenary of Maternal Health Centres project

I am developing some installations for the City of Yarra, having fun with historical research, and playing with historic photographs of the campaigners, nurses and mothers who established…

The Little Ones

My ephemeral installation in the gardens at Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens has come down. These were tiny paste up children taken from historic photographs from Dandenong…

Here at Heritage Hill

I have begun my Artists Residency in the lovely studio at Heritage Hill in Dandenong. I am researching and experimenting at this stage, spending time in the two…