Detail from the installation, Potato Dream Sequence 2009


Detail from artists book, Postcards from the Potato 1998


My most travelled artwork is Postcards from the Potato, an artists book which has been exhibited in Melbourne, Colombia, Canberra and Sydney (in that order) and recently travelled to New York.

The book traces the journey of the potato from South America, via Europe, to Australia. Postcards from the Potato, and another related work, Potato Dream Sequence,were recently exhibited in an exhibition called The Potato Revolution, at the Williamsburg Art and Historical Centre, in Brooklyn. This was an international exhibition of art featuring the potato!

Images availabe at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2569532437271.2148095.1223037299&type=3
The curator of this show, North American artist Jeffrey Allen Price, was in the Sydney exhibition I was also in a couple of years ago, called the Humble Spud (thehumblespud.blogspot.com).