Turn Turn Turn was an ephemeral artwork created in collaboration with textile artist Mary Zbierski-West for the 2007 Moreland Sculpture Show. Mary and I won the ephemeral sculpture prize for this artwork, with judge Dan Wollmering commenting on it’s evocativeness and kinetic qualities.
Turn Turn Turn is based on an historic photograph in the collection of the Coburg Historical Society, which depicts the opening celebrations at Bridges Reserve in 1916. In the photograph children from Coburg Primary School are doing a maypole dance; the dance is captured in a blur of movement. The artwork also references another historic photograph from the Moreland City Council Library Service Local History collection, which depicts bunting flags across Sydney Road on the occasion of Coburg becoming an official township.
The Turn Turn Turn sculptural installation takes the form of silk bunting printed with the photograph of the maypole dance, lengths of which were attached to a lamp post in the park and pegged out to form a maypole like structure.
The source photograph can be viewed at